Monday, 9 May 2011 more

So I quit Gor.  I got tired of all the abuse I was getting OOC (out of character).  Everyone wants to play their way and no one else's.  I got sick of the whole raid, cap, rape, release nature of SL gay Gor.  It seems to have no relation to the Gor books.  Someone told me that rape was an essential part of Gor.  I said that I had only read of the rape of slaves and not Free Men going around capturing and raping other Free Men, but I was ignored.  As someone who was sexually assaulted in real life, I refuse to roleplay rape - usually it is perpetrated by some arsehole who has no idea of the physical, emotional and mental impact it carries.  I had a conversation about my real life experiences with a Gorean 'master' who told me that Gor was no place for someone who is 'handicapped' like me.  I don't see the whole point of the pixel sex thing as being such a big deal.  I went to SL Gor for roleplay; I could have gone to any number of gay for BDSM sex.  No wonder John Norman hates SL Gor so much.

Despite everything, it makes me sad that I am no longer in Gor.  All that time spent reading the books and studying at the Gorean University completing the Pleasure Silks and dance courses and I don't get to use any of it.  Of course the really sad thing is that Ash came in to existence to be a Gorean slave and now serves no purpose at all.  Goodbye Gor.  Goodbye SL.

Monday, 14 February 2011

The Lost Boy

Having been separated from his Master for quite some time, Ash the kajirus is finding it harder to cope.  He has survived in the wild during the coldest time of the year, eating what he could, sleeping where he could, but the strain is beginning to show.  He is dirty and hungry, feeling despair as he thinks he will never have a home again.  

The residents of the isle either do not notice him or else believe his words that he "must get home to Master".  There is no master and home is amongst the animals in one of the sheds, but so few people new the man that Ash loved as a master that no one questions him.  

Ash conceals the truth of what has occurred out of fear of what will become of him.  After the harsh winter, how much longer can he go on alone?

Ash - The Lost Boy

Just Being Honest

Outlaw: Boy!  How dare you walk past without greeting me?

Ash: Sorry, Master but my mother taught me never to speak to strangers...

I think that falls in to the category of ask a silly question, get a silly answer!  Oddly enough he let me go.  He was probably too exasperated to continue with his need to be greeted by every slave, but I was just being honest.

Friday, 7 January 2011

Random Thoughts On SL Gor

Given the limited range of Gorean musical instruments and the absence of electricity, why do so many Gorean sims have pounding rock music?  Surely classical, folk or world music would be more appropriate.

Is there such a thing as the Caste of Tattooists?  So many male avatars are covered with tattoos I am sure Tattooists should be a High Caste purely based on there apparent numbers!

Why do cities often have an Ubar instead of an Administrator?  Is everyone permanently at war?

As typical clothing is a tunic, how has the Caste of Fashionistas managed to convince so many men to wear leather pants or kilts?

Free Men seem to have they not realise that marks them as 'pierced ear sluts' who shall never be anything more than slaves?

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

The End Is Nigh...Or Now

Last week the world fell apart for Ash, the Gorean slave.  He lost his Master and his Home Stone in Gor.  Out of character I lost my roleplay and I lost everything I had worked for in attending the Gorean University.  My Master showed a lack of interest in me for too long and something I can't speak of happened which made me realise just how worthless I actually am.  So I walked out on everything, even had to give up my little home.

I hurts me that I was of no value to him as I went back to Gor after a break especially to be his kajirus.  It hurts me even more that he has not tried to make contact with me to explain or discus the situation.

As soon as I announced I was leaving I started to receive offers from other Gorean Masters who are interested in acquiring me, but it is too soon and my wounds are too raw.  There are currently six men willing to take me in.  What is to say that it won't happen again?  Perhaps I will be a disappointment to future Masters too.

Only two people from Tabor have contacted me - so I guess I know what they think of me too.